Screeny App Reviews

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Not good

Its pretty bad. Seems to freeze a lot while you record. It doesnt record audio as it claims there an error. When you replay your recorded video its choppy

Good and Simple

Great, simplistic app. Just a few quirks: 1) No way to pause, so I just have to keep going and edit out things later 2) When you specify to record the whole screen but arent recording yet, the "overlay" prevents clicks on things below it. Otherwise, it does what I need. The one big thing I am appreciative for is file size of recorded video. 1.5 hours was about 87MB, as opposed to several GB when using QuickTime Player. Playback is perfect, and numerous people have commented on the quality of the final product. Running on 2010 Macbook Pro i5 with 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD, just for comparison for others.

The app is broken.

As noted by several reviewers, the app only records a green screen on a MacBook Pro with Retina display.


This used to work for me, but now crashes everytime I start a recording. Waste of money until it’s fixed.

Poor, unmaintained

I regret buying this, even at discount. It’s been broken in the past, took months to fix. It’s broken again, crashes. There are good alternatives. Don’t buy this.

Not Working and Unsupported

Screeny has stopped working for me upon recent OS X updates. It seems the app has become unsupported, with no one monitoring support questions & requests.

Do Not Buy! Screeny is Orphanware

Screeny was decent a couple of years ago but doesn’t work reliably on Mountain Lion or Mavericks, so you should avoid until developer wakes up and brings Screeny up to speed.

Crashes all the time

I’m very disappointed with this app as of late. The features are great if they would work. I can’t get the app to record anything without crashing at random intervals. It doesn’t seem to be able to run with certain programs running concurently, certain clicks in apps will crash Screeny, and the user interface can sometimes be confusing. I wouldn’t recommend this application until it is running smooth as butter. No use in wasting your money as the developer doesn’t seem to be resolving these issues.

It used to work!

This app used to be so perfect, and I used it daily to show off my development work! Now it wont even record a video, but it will take screenshots. There hasn’t been an update in months, so lets get the ball rolling nerds!


Current version crashes as soon as recording is complete! PLEASE FIX!

Used to work.

Used to be a nice, simple, app for recording video. It had a nice basic feature set. Unfortunately, it seems to be unmaintained; I can’t get it work after upgrading to Mavericks.


Doesnt work at all, crashes beyond belief. Kind of unbelievable for a $15 app..

Doesn’t work.

Well, I thought I’d give this a try even though it got a lot of bad reviews. Some reviews were back from 2013, and it’s had some updates. But, this app still doesn’t work. It crashes every time you interact with the menu bar icon on OS X Mavericks. I’d love a refund. Just wasted $15.

Doesn’t work

Totally crashes when you try and screen capture. Worthless.

Used to work, no support, no word from developer

Save your money and purchase another app. The developer has not responded to any of the problems reported on the “support” site. Be sure to check the support area before you purchase.

Great little App but few too many bugs…

Great little App but few too many bugs…


All this app does is crash for me.

Used Constantly

I am constantly using this for a variety of purposes, but mainly to record demo videos and take screenshots for online training content. It works great!


This used to be the go to app for screen recording. This hasnt been updated in a year and doesn’t work anymore. It keeps crashing on my late 2011 MBP. It’s unfortunate that the developer seems to have abandoned it. Hopefully they will get it updated, but I am not sure.


Well, this is indeed the worst experience I have had with any Mac software. Running Mavericks, it throws an error which cannot be dismissed, necessitating a complete reboot. It only costs $15 but I can think of better causes to donate money toward with nothing to show for it. The support link doesn’t work. Gah.

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